NGO Steps in to Save 13 Years Old Teen from Forced Adoption By Pastor Who Use Her For Unbelievable Purpose




In a heart-wrenching incident, a 13-year-old girl has been rescued from a situation of alleged forced adoption by one Pastor Prosper Ifedinuru. The timely intervention was orchestrated by the non-governmental organization Women Aid Collective (WACOL) and sheds light on the need for vigilance in safeguarding the rights of vulnerable individuals.

The Incident:

On September 28, 2023, WACOL received a distressing report regarding the alleged forced adoption of a young girl by Pastor Prosper at Living Faith Tabernacle, also known as Winners Chapel, in Umulokpa, Uzo-Uwani LGA, Enugu State. The parents reached out to WACOL, revealing that Pastor Prosper had visited their village, presenting himself as a missionary.

Deceptive Disappearance:

Investigations unveiled a troubling narrative as Pastor Prosper reportedly disappeared with the young girl, asserting that he was taking her to open a bank account. Concerned parents sought assistance from WACOL after their attempts to locate him and the minor proved unsuccessful.

Revelations of Inappropriate Conduct:

As the investigation progressed, WACOL uncovered that the mysterious pastor had engaged in inappropriate behavior with the girl during her time in his custody. This revelation added another layer of concern to the already distressing situation, prompting swift action.

Collaborative Rescue Efforts:

WACOL promptly contacted the Enugu State Police Command, initiating a collaborative effort to locate Pastor Prosper and ensure the safe rescue of the child victim. Despite initial denials from church authorities regarding any association with the alleged perpetrator, further investigation revealed his prior employment with them.

Justice Prevails:

Following extensive searches conducted by the police, Pastor Prosper was apprehended at a border town in Umuahia, Abia State. This successful capture marks a crucial step towards justice for the young victim and her family.

Expressing Concerns:

Egodi Igwe, WACOL's media officer, expressed deep concern about the prevalence of such cases, emphasizing the urgent need for accountability. Igwe underscored the importance of protecting the rights of children in all facets of society, including religious spaces.


This unfortunate incident highlights the critical role that organizations like WACOL play in championing the cause of vulnerable individuals. The collaborative efforts of NGOs, law enforcement, and concerned citizens are paramount in addressing issues of exploitation and abuse, creating a society where every child can thrive in a secure environment.
